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Golden Elegant Minimalist Jewelry Product Catalog Presentation (6)

Step Into The Shoes of The New You – Goddess Day Retreat

Beata Dzwigol
The Bisley Yurt, Bisley GU24 9AR

Buy Tickets - 99-111* £

“Step out of the history that is holding you back. Step into the new story you are willing to create.”

Beata will help you to re-connect with your Goddess Inner Power and the Light of your Soul, which will help you align with the law of attraction and feel liberated and happy again.
It will be a very interactive Day Retreat, you may be offered
• Sacred Cacao Goddess Ceremony• Deep Healing through Akashic Records• Letting Go & Blessing Ceremonies• Dancing• Fire Ceremony • Sound Journey • Singing Power • Journaling• Cards •Joy & Healing Time

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