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Dance with Cacao Ceremony

Beata Dzwigol
The Bisley Yurt GU24 9AR

This time MAN & WOMAN invited

This is beautiful time where you can connect to your heart wisdom and heal your life. Awaken your inner wisdom and light within yourself.

Full of love, joy, happiness and healing dance. Strictly Limited spaces

Session will be guided while Beata connected to her Akashic Records (her Soul, Masters and Teachers). This is very unique healing process.

To book call Beata on 07731673759



  1. Nikki
    January 31, 2024 @ 5:14 pm

    Hiya please could you help me to understand what the day entails ? Thank you x


    • admin
      February 6, 2024 @ 7:46 pm

      Hi Nikki
      thank you for reaching out. I would be more than happy to discuss via phone. I will be free till 10.30am tomorrow or between 2-4pm. Please call me on 07731673759
      Love Beata


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