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goddess retreat by beata dzwigol www.lifeandsoulpurpose.comC

Awaken Divine Goddess Light Within Day Retreat in August has been postponed

Beata Dzwigol
The Bisley Yurt GU24 9AR

Buy Tickets - 88-99 £

A Sacred, Safe Space for Women to Heal, Release, Dance, Hug , Connect to Inner Light and Bloom

This is more than a regular women’s circle. This is monthly Day Retreat, channelled by Beata Dzwigol, ~ Founder of The New Earth Goddess Temple™.

It is a space for women starting their spiritual journey, women who are looking to find a meaning in life and empower their life, but as well it is a space so women working at a deep Soul level.

It will be a very interactive Day Retreat, you may be offered

• Sacred Cacao Goddess Ceremony• Deep Transformative Healing through Akashic Records• Letting Go & Blessing Ceremonies• Dance• Fire Ceremony • Sound Journey • Singing Power • Journaling• Cards •Joy & Healing Time

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